New guard ... Moira Shire Councillor Marie Martin (fourth from right, standing) joined the AGM for the announcement of the new committee, made up of (from back left, excluding Marie Martin) Les Addison, Kath Watson, Lorraine Evvert, Geke Brals, John Blackman, Len Morey, Val Usher, Don Staggard, Don Rosie and (front row, from left) Phyllis Hall, Joy Muir, Rob Hall and Val Bloor.

Enjoying a scone ... Don Staggard tucks in to afternoon tea at the AGM.

All together ... This was one of the activities the kids did together on the launch day.

Listening intently ... Kids from the three local high schools gathered to listen to guest speakers and the Live4Life crew.

Working together ... The kids handmade stress balls at the launch day last Wednesday.

Steves’ day ... Steve Thornton (pictured) played well to finish runner-up to Stephen Piggott.

Through thick and thin ... Hazel and Noel Boschetti were awarded life memberships at Numurkah Bowls Club on Saturday.

Fun(d) raiser … Merren Carr tries her hand at putting on the carpet.
This week's photos