Handing over... (From left): Stacey and Ursh Urquhart are thrilled to be filling Helen Nicholas’ Melville Street premises with indigenous art while she takes a well-earned sabbatical. One of Deadly Art’s painted family trees can be seen on the wall behind Stacey.

Learning the ropes... NSC students (from left) Connor Ciccone, Lucas Spokes and Morgann Harris find out what it takes to become a nurse.

Racing to save a life... NSC principal Cate Eddy has a CPR race with student Declan Crisp.

Leading the way... St Mary of the Angels Secondary College Social Justice Leaders, Eliza Wood and Zara Limbrick address the crowd.

United in a cause... (From left) St Mary of the Angels Secondary College Social Justice Leaders, Zara Limbrick and Eliza Wood, Bishop of Sandhurst Diocese Shane MacKinlay, Coordinator of Catholic Earthcare Australia Sue Martin and St Mary of the Angels Secondary College Social Justice Leader, Kate Buha at the launch of the Laudato Si’ Action Plan.

Milestone... Stacey Ross catches a ball in her 100th senior netball match.

Too quick... Matt Guttler runs away from an Eagles player.

Bang... Glenn Boyd kicks one of his nine goals for the day.

Defensive trio... A-grade stars Kasey Baker (WD), Liv Osborne (GK) and Caitlyn Price (GD).

Milestone... Mark Luci runs out for his 200th senior game for Strathmerton.

Team photo... (From back left) coaches Chris Mongon and Clayton Patching, and players (front) Patrick Williams, Taylor Mongan, Alby Dalton, Samuel Mison, Parker Patching, Finnan Davis and Jordan Cavallaro.

Superstars... Tracey Clouston and Andrew Storer both won their remarkable 12th respective club championship titles at the weekend.
This week's photos